EISA Mock Exams

EISA Hub’s Mock Exams offer learners the opportunity to complete their practice/ mock EISA exam using published EISA Exemplars. These mock exams provide valuable insights into the structure of the EISA and the types of questions asked to prepare them for their actual EISA. We offer online mock exams as well as on-site mock exams.

Upon completion, EISA Hub’s panel of markers conduct a formal assessment of the submitted practice exam. A comprehensive feedback report is then provided to both the learner and the SDP, highlighting any specific areas that require further study.

We recommend that learners complete our Online Readiness Assessments before completing the Online Practice Exams. This will highlight specific study areas for learners before completing the Online Practice Exam.

For additional preparation, learners can also be booked to attend our Online EISA Preparation Sessions after completing their practice exam for a thorough debrief on the EISA paper.

To complete the EISA practice exam, learners will need a desktop computer and internet access. They have one opportunity to complete the exam and must do so without interruption for the duration of the examination (not applicable for on-site mock exams).

Available Mock Exams at EISA Hub

Learning & Development ETDP SETA

Insurance INSETA

Health and Safety HWSETA

Business Services SETA

Transport TETA

Retail W&R SETA